
Blog Journal #10

 I absolutely plan on using surveys and their tools in my future classroom. It is a great way to get to know my students and how they are doing in my class. I will definitely use surveys to know things like how many siblings they have, how much they like the subject I teach, how many pets they have, etc., so that it can be a fun way for me to get to know a little bit about them and form a student-teacher relationship. I also plan on having a survey to check in on how well they doing, asking things like how the workload is effecting them, if they enjoy class, if they struggle learning in class, if they think they need extra help, etc., that way I know how I am doing as a teacher, how they are doing as students and how to improve from that point forward. So far I have participated in a few surveys made by my classmates and it was interesting to see how they all differ. Two of them were like mine, asking class related questions. Another one was centered around physical health like mea...

Blog Journal #9

 My experience with distance learning has been quite an up and down experience. I do enjoy not having to leave my room in order to attend class and my professors being so flexible and understanding of the situation. On the other hand it is hard because I do not have a break away from my computer when it comes to school, group assignments are very hard, it is easy to get worried that you are missing assignments because you can't find them on the website, and I have not yet gotten to experience life on a university campus. All in all, it is obtainable for now because it is necessary, but I am looking forward to the day I can attend classes in person.  Open Educational Resources, or OER, is making whatever accessible educational content you have and putting it out across the internet for other educators to find and use. The information that is found can be remoulded to make it something different from its original. Then you can redistribute that information again. https://www.k12...

Blog Journal #8

 Last week I got to create a web design for a fake teacher online page. I really enjoyed doing this assignment and imagining what I will put in my future website as a teacher. I learned how to make an calendar where I can put all of the assignments, tests, announcements, etc. for my students to keep themselves organised and also how to make a website overall because I have never made one before. I did not know to create tabs or buttons to manoeuvre to each page. Working with Diigo has been a challenging, yet enlightening experience. It is certainly a site I would have never used if not for this class. It taught me how to create annotations on websites and add sticky notes, although it took me a little while to figure out how it worked. Although I enjoyed learning about this website and how to use it, I can honestly say that it is something I will not be using on my own time in the future. Technology has advanced at an alarming and also impres...

Blog Journal #7

 Teacher Pages are a great way to stay connected with students and parents while also staying organised. I took a look at a teacher named Sandra Brinkman's page for her Marine Science and Honors Biology classes. Her front page has all the information for all assignments and lessons and anything else they will need to know for the week as well as her contact information. There are four tabs that consist of the Welcome Page, Meet the Teacher, Important Documents, and Calendar. It is all very organised and easy to access any information that students or parents may need.  As far as my own classroom goes I will use a variety of different technology tools. For example I will use any platform my school requires(like canvas or google classroom), google docs, kahoot, brain pop, etc. I will have my own teacher page to make sure that assignment, quizzes, extra study materials, calendars, my contact info as well as the school's and more are eas...

Blog Journal #6

 We have recently started to engage in using Diigo for assignments and class interaction. Personally, throughout this course so far I have enjoyed discovering new technological tools for now and future use, but I have to admit sometimes they are quite hard to navigate and fully understand. This would be one of those websites. It took me a little while to understand how to use it to it's full potential and even now I have a hard time trying to read other posts and worry that I am doing it wrong.   As far as blogging goes, I had no previous experience in the traditional blogging sense where I have an entire website that is solely mine. I do consider twitter a type of blog because I am free to express anything I would like and use the platform to spread information about things I believe in. I think when comparing to twitter, it is a little different because with twitter there are less rules and it is more casual, but with blogger it is more professional and ever...

Blog Journal #5

 In this class we were to make a twitter to interact with other students and teachers to learn how we can use technology to branch out as teachers in the future. I have not yet started to use this twitter account to do this. The past few weeks have been busy with assignments and I am trying to stay on top of things that have a dead set due date, so I will do the twitter assignments soon. I do however, see as I scroll through my feed of my account every so often how others are using it to learn and communicate in the education field and that is what I will do in the future.  Digital Divide is the different type of obstacles that stand between students and their access to internet and using technology online. These obstacles can include things like students live in an area with bad internet connection, they don't have access to technology because of unfortunate financial circumstances, visual disabilities, etc. As far as internet issues and not having access to technology, it ca...

Blog Journal #4

 For the discussion regarding ELA, I have chosen a standard from the first grade set of standards. The one that I chose was to make sure my students learn how to properly use text features like headings, table of contents, glossaries, electronic menus, and icons so that they can locate specific information and facts. I do feel that this is a necessary skill to teach because of how technologically advanced our society has become. I think I would feel comfortable teaching this because I am very familiar with it and it is not a very hard skill to pass on to them. Obviously, in order to meet these standards, as teachers we must use resources we can find and are provided to help the kids reach this goals. I chose a fun game called 'Cool Context Clues' which is an interactive video/game where kids learn about how to use context clues to figure out what a word in a sentence means that they don't know. It uses lots of fun pictures and first explains the skill with an example and th...