Blog Journal #6
We have recently started to engage in using Diigo for assignments and class interaction. Personally, throughout this course so far I have enjoyed discovering new technological tools for now and future use, but I have to admit sometimes they are quite hard to navigate and fully understand. This would be one of those websites. It took me a little while to understand how to use it to it's full potential and even now I have a hard time trying to read other posts and worry that I am doing it wrong.
As far as blogging goes, I had no previous experience in the traditional blogging sense where I have an entire website that is solely mine. I do consider twitter a type of blog because I am free to express anything I would like and use the platform to spread information about things I believe in. I think when comparing to twitter, it is a little different because with twitter there are less rules and it is more casual, but with blogger it is more professional and everything has to be presented neatly and organised. I am not sure I will continue to use blogger outside of this class, but hey, maybe it will be more useful to me when I become a teacher.
In my future classroom I will definitely implement the heavy use of the Web 2.0 tool google docs. Since I have found it to be so beneficial in my own school experience, I only find it appropriate to use it myself as a teacher. It is great to have students easily connect with each other and share docs to work collaboratively. It also makes it easy for me to access their work so I can make edits, comment, review their work, and tell them what they're doing well or bad.
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