Blog Journal #7
Teacher Pages are a great way to stay connected with students and parents while also staying organised. I took a look at a teacher named Sandra Brinkman's page for her Marine Science and Honors Biology classes. Her front page has all the information for all assignments and lessons and anything else they will need to know for the week as well as her contact information. There are four tabs that consist of the Welcome Page, Meet the Teacher, Important Documents, and Calendar. It is all very organised and easy to access any information that students or parents may need.
As far as my own classroom goes I will use a variety of different technology tools. For example I will use any platform my school requires(like canvas or google classroom), google docs, kahoot, brain pop, etc. I will have my own teacher page to make sure that assignment, quizzes, extra study materials, calendars, my contact info as well as the school's and more are easily accessible to students and it will help keep me organised. I would love to implement as many online games as possible to make learning fun so that my students will be excited about school.
The only time I have ever used a wiki platform is in my educational technology class that I am currently taking. It was a little confusing to figure out, but luckily I had the help of other classmates to guide me on navigating the site. As of now I do not see myself using wiki in my future classroom because I am so unfamiliar with it myself. However, if over the course of my college education I get a better grasp for how it works, things may change!
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