Blog Journal #3

 It is very important to know what copyright and fair use are. Copyright is a law that protects original works by giving the creator credit for their work and not letting other people claim it or share it without saying where they got it from. Fair use is ways you can share parts of work you find while also giving credit to whoever created it and using it to explain something else or appreciate it. As a teacher in the future, I would deal with this by always stressing to address where works they are using for assignment have come from and to do so correctly so they do not get in trouble and receive a fair grade.

There are many technology implementation issues arising in schools and in the classroom, meaning as teachers we will have to figure out ways to find solutions and handle them. Specifically, in regards to academic dishonesty, I would pull a student aside after class, explain to them what they did wrong, why it was wrong and tell them that if they do it again I will have to give them a zero and take it up with the office or administration. I feel it is important, especially when I want to be an elementary school teacher, to explain to them at a young age what academic dishonesty is and why it is wrong, that way they do not make a habit of it as they proceed throughout school. Cyberbullying is also a very serious issue that I would handle by talking to both the victim and the bully, having them talk things out together, apologise, and talk to both parents about what they did and how to monitor this situation in the future.

The Newsletter design was a pretty challenging assignment for me because I am not extremely knowledgable with my computer skills, but I am happy I was able to figure it out. I was able to learn how to create columns and add fun pictures to documents I make. I will use these new found skills in my furture classroom when I make worksheets and letters for parents. I think it is important to be as creative as you can as a teacher because then it makes it fun and intriguing for the kids. 


  1. Hey! I really appreciated reading your blog and I think you made great points. It is really important to educate students on the severity of copyright and what comes with it. I also liked what you said about cyberbulling and how serious it is. I think it is crucial to catch cyberbullying as soon as possible and handle the situation as best as possible.


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