Blog Journal #10
I absolutely plan on using surveys and their tools in my future classroom. It is a great way to get to know my students and how they are doing in my class. I will definitely use surveys to know things like how many siblings they have, how much they like the subject I teach, how many pets they have, etc., so that it can be a fun way for me to get to know a little bit about them and form a student-teacher relationship. I also plan on having a survey to check in on how well they doing, asking things like how the workload is effecting them, if they enjoy class, if they struggle learning in class, if they think they need extra help, etc., that way I know how I am doing as a teacher, how they are doing as students and how to improve from that point forward. So far I have participated in a few surveys made by my classmates and it was interesting to see how they all differ. Two of them were like mine, asking class related questions. Another one was centered around physical health like mea...